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Inbody scan
Go beyond the scale
While a typical scale simply displays your total bodyweight, there is so much more that goes into being a well-rounded and healthy individual. It has been widely established by many professionals in the health and wellness industry that BMI (a combined measure of height compared to weight) is a poor metric for assessing a person's overall health.
So what do we need to take into account beyond just our bodyweight to get an accurate picture of our health? The InBody scan fills in those gaps for us, measuring not only bodyweight, but percent bodyfat, lean segmental muscle mass, visceral fat, and more!
World Class Technology
In The Palm Of Your Hands
Developed in the late 90s by Dr. Kichul Cha, who realized that bodyweight was only a small piece of the picture of overall health and wellness, the InBody scanner utilizes complex technology to provide you with a simple, yet comprehensive picture of your body.
Through the use of multiple frequency, bio-electrical impedance analysis, the InBody allows for accurate and non-invasive body composition testing in less than 45 seconds.

What you get
With each scan, you'll receive a full print-out of your comprehensive results after just a 45-second scan.
You will also receive a basic review of your results with your coach or nutritionist who performed the scan.
With our InBody-570 machine, you'll receive pivotal information on your body-composition, muscle fat, segmental lean mass, basal metabolic rate, visceral fat, and more!
While numbers can tell us a great deal, it can be helpful to have someone interpret those results. The basic InBody scan at Invictus Boston will provide you with a results sheet and a basic interpretation. However, for those looking to get more out of their scan, an InBody+ is the way to start.
The Inbody+
With the InBody+, not only will you get a full comprehensive InBody Scan and results print-out, you will also receive an hour long consultation to review how sleep, nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle habit changes can impact the results from your InBody scan.
After sitting down with one of our registered dieticians to discuss your results, you will have a better picture of how small changes to your nutrition, sleep, exercise, and more can impact your results at your next scan.
The InBody+ service is available via direct inquiry to our nutrition team. Some insurances may cover this service. Click below to reach out and learn more.