Have some upcoming travel? Here are five bodyweight or minimal equipment CrossFit workouts you can hit during your next vacation/work trip/weekend getaway or at home!
The Hotel Room Workout
AMRAP 20-Min
-10 Push-Ups
-15 Air Squats
*This one can easily be done in a hotel room with minimal warm-up.
*Scale the push-ups to knee push-ups if you are still working on a full push-up.
The Outdoor Workout
For Time
4 Minute Run
100 Air Squats
50 Push-Ups
25 Burpees
4 Minute Run
*This will make for a great beach/outdoor workout if you don't want to be stuck inside.
*Scale the push-ups to knee push-ups if you are still working on a full push-up.
The One Dumbbell Workout
12 Min AMRAP
-4 Dumbbell Snatches
-4 Burpees Over The Dumbbell
-4 Renegade Rows (2/Side)
*Use this one on that road trip where you can only fit a dumbbell in the car.
*Also works great in a hotel gym with sparse equipment.
The Two Dumbbell Workout
15 Min AMRAP
-10 Dumbbell Thrusters
-15 Dumbbell Deadlifts
-30 Mountain Climbers (15/Side)
*This one is great for that hotel gym that just has a rack of dumbbells and some yoga mats.
*Pick dumbbell weights that allow you to go unbroken on the first several rounds.
The Dumbbell Strength Workout
For The Pump
3 Rounds As A Circuit
-Goblet Squat, 12-15 Reps
-Single-Arm Dumbbell Row, 10-12 Reps/Arm
-Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift, 10-12 Reps/Leg
3 Rounds As A Circuit
-Single-Arm Dumbbell Press, 3-8 Reps/Arm
-Plank, 40-60 Second Hold
-Dumbbell Side Bends, 10-12/Side
-Russian Twists, 10-15/Side
*Find weights that are challenging but allow you to finish all but the last set!
Interested in learning these movements? We can help! If you'd like to try a class at one of our three locations, click "free trial" in the top right of the screen here to get signed up for your first class.