CrossFit programming is defined as constantly varied functional movements performed at high intensity. To some, constantly varied appears to be random but in well-planned programming, it is anything but.
Constantly varied programming is one that uses continuously changing or different workout stimuli. Those stimuli can be exercises, loads, time domains, ranges of motion, etc. The possibilities are truly endless, but by definition varied stimuli can begin to repeat themselves as well so it becomes important for us to keep an eye on what movement patterns we are hitting, at what time domains, what loads, and what amount of volume so that we don’t overdo any one particular stimulus. That doesn’t mean that we’ll never use the same stimuli back-to-back but it ensures that we’re aware of it when we do and that we don’t do it too often.
Random programming would be throwing exercises into a hat and then pulling them out, assigning rounds loads, and reps without any method and calling it good without any real analysis of how that looks over the course of a week, a month, or a year. This style of programming could set up an athlete to squat seven days straight or maybe not squat at all in a week. It doesn’t take into account what was done the day before and what is programmed the day after.
Constant variation allows us to build athletes that are more well-rounded and up to any task that life could throw at them at any given moment. It keeps things fresh, athletes humble, and workouts fun and effective. The art of constantly varied programming is keeping just enough of a grip on it that workouts don’t become random and unstructured but free enough that our own biases don’t sneak in and take over.
Our goal, at the end of the day, is to develop the broad, inclusive fitness which life demands.
This is the third part of a multi-part series we will be posting over the next several weeks. Follow along if you'd like to learn more! If you want to experience it for yourself, book a free trial at one of our three Boston locations.